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Tag: mast cells

A Injured Stem Cell Patient’s Story

A Injured Stem Cell Patient’s Story

I previously posted about a west coast stem clinic which had injured several dozen patients with its autologous based stem cell product. Here is a link to the prior post: Here is the story on one of the patients, written in her own words, with some deletions and redactions to de-identify the clinic. The clinic told me I was an excellent candidate for their Lyme SVF stem cell treatment. They promised this treatment would boost my immune system to…

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What Should Happen if a Stem Cell Clinic Harms Many Patients?

What Should Happen if a Stem Cell Clinic Harms Many Patients?

Here’s my core position: I support a patient’s access to his/her own stem cells for any use agreed to by the patient after proper informed consent which is not tainted by false or misleading advertising claims by the stem cell clinic. My philosophical/public policy/constitutional thinking is that people do/should have a right to determine what happens to their own bodies, so long as that right doesn’t endanger public health or safety, or impinge on another’s protected rights. I don’t see…

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