Speeches And Articles
Speeches And Articles
My Friend, Gary Pomeroy |
Are We Focusing on the Wrong Stem Cells? |
For The Defense of ACM: An Interview with Rick Jaffe, Esq, by Alan Dumoff, J.D., MSW Alternative and Complementary Therapies, December 2005 |
Are You Committing Insurance Fraud By Doing Expensive, Hi-Tech Testing? Dynamic Chiropractic January 1, 2006, Volume 24, Issue 01 |
Florida Court Denies Reimbursement for Modalities Performed by Unlicensed Assts. (But Then Changes Dynamic Chiropractic June 3, 2004, Volume 22, Issue 12 |
The Coming of CODEX and the End of Civilized LIfe as We Know it IAACN Conference, Orlando, Florida, September 1, 2005 |
Attorneys, Accountants and Consultants: Whom Can You Trust? Dynamic Chiropractic February 26, 2005, Volume 23, Issue 05 |
Chiro. Consultant to Plead Guilty to Fraudulent Back-Billing Federal Investigation May Yield More Indictments Dynamic Chiropractic March 26, 2006, Volume 24, Issue 07 |
New Headaches for MD/DC Clinics Dynamic Chiropractic, September 2003 |
Fraud in the MD/DC Arena Dynamic Chiropractic February 26, 2004, Volume 22, Issue 05 |
OUR KIDS: THE NEXT LEGAL/MEDICAL BATTLE GROUND IAACN Seminar, New Orleans, August 26, 2004, By Richard Jaffe, Esq. |
Legal Issues in the Cancer/Nutrition Practice Lecture given August 29, 2003 at the International And American Association of Clinical Nutrition On Cancer and Nutrition |
An Associate Chiropractor’s Story Dynamic Chiropractic, October 2003 |
Risk Management, Medical Ethics and Other Issues Facing the Alternative Cancer Practitioner Speech given September 12, 2002, at the ABEIM Cancer Conference |
Societal and Legal Issues Relating to Obesity Speech given August 29, 2002 at the International And American Association of Clinical Nutrition Symposium On Obesity and Nutrition |
The MD/DC Business Model: An Interview with Richard Jaffe, Esq. Dynamic Chiropractor, July 1, 2002 |
Hospital Credentialing: One Physicians’ Attorney’s Perspective Speech given March 13, 2002 to the Houston Bar Association, Heath Law Section Meeting |
Virtual House Calls and Other Uses of the Internet to Improve Patient Care Speech Given to the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons |
DC Wins 1-Year Care Case Chiropractic Journal, November 2001 |