Speeches And Articles

Speeches And Articles

Speeches And Articles

My Friend, Gary Pomeroy
Are We Focusing on the Wrong Stem Cells?
For The Defense of ACM: An Interview with Rick Jaffe, Esq, by Alan Dumoff, J.D., MSW
Alternative and Complementary Therapies, December 2005
Are You Committing Insurance Fraud By Doing Expensive, Hi-Tech Testing?
Dynamic Chiropractic January 1, 2006, Volume 24, Issue 01
Florida Court Denies Reimbursement for Modalities Performed by Unlicensed Assts. (But Then Changes
Dynamic Chiropractic June 3, 2004, Volume 22, Issue 12
The Coming of CODEX and the End of Civilized LIfe as We Know it
IAACN Conference, Orlando, Florida, September 1, 2005
Attorneys, Accountants and Consultants: Whom Can You Trust?
Dynamic Chiropractic February 26, 2005, Volume 23, Issue 05
Chiro. Consultant to Plead Guilty to Fraudulent Back-Billing
Federal Investigation May Yield More Indictments Dynamic Chiropractic March 26, 2006, Volume 24, Issue 07
New Headaches for MD/DC Clinics
Dynamic Chiropractic, September 2003
Fraud in the MD/DC Arena
Dynamic Chiropractic February 26, 2004, Volume 22, Issue 05
IAACN Seminar, New Orleans, August 26, 2004, By Richard Jaffe, Esq.
Legal Issues in the Cancer/Nutrition Practice
Lecture given August 29, 2003 at the International And American Association of Clinical Nutrition On Cancer and Nutrition
An Associate Chiropractor’s Story
Dynamic Chiropractic, October 2003
Risk Management, Medical Ethics and Other Issues Facing the Alternative Cancer Practitioner
Speech given September 12, 2002, at the ABEIM Cancer Conference
Societal and Legal Issues Relating to Obesity
Speech given August 29, 2002 at the International And American Association of Clinical Nutrition Symposium On Obesity and Nutrition
The MD/DC Business Model: An Interview with Richard Jaffe, Esq.
Dynamic Chiropractor, July 1, 2002
Hospital Credentialing: One Physicians’ Attorney’s Perspective
Speech given March 13, 2002 to the Houston Bar Association, Heath Law Section Meeting
Virtual House Calls and Other Uses of the Internet to Improve Patient Care
Speech Given to the American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons
DC Wins 1-Year Care Case
Chiropractic Journal, November 2001