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Category: Medical Board info

Judge Shubb Denies the Preliminary Injunction in Kory v. Bonta, but the battle continues

Judge Shubb Denies the Preliminary Injunction in Kory v. Bonta, but the battle continues

Yesterday, April 23, 2024, Judge Shubb denied our motion for a preliminary injunction in Kory v. Bonta. The case, as you will recall, was a follow-up to the Hoang and Hoeg cases challenging AB 2098, where in January 23, 2023, Judge Shubb granted a preliminary injunction baring enforcement of the law. The judge recently dismissed both of those cases after the 9th Circuit dismissed the two other AB 2098 cases on mootness grounds, because the legislature repealed AB 2098 (Section…

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The 9th Circuit Just Tossed Two of the AB 2098 cases; Now What?

The 9th Circuit Just Tossed Two of the AB 2098 cases; Now What?

On Thursday afternoon, February 29th, the Ninth Circuit basically ended the AB 2098 litigation. The actual decision held that the McDonald appeal of Central District Judge Slaughter’s denial of a preliminary injunction against the law was moot, because AB 2098 enacted as Bus. & Prof Code 2270 had been repealed as of January 1st. The decision covered the related Southern District case where the judge refused to decide the preliminary injunction motion because of the pending McDonald appeal. The Ninth…

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Happy New Year Brave “Covid Misinformation” Warriors; and Not To Bury the Lead, but stay with me because you will like it, I promise!

Happy New Year Brave “Covid Misinformation” Warriors; and Not To Bury the Lead, but stay with me because you will like it, I promise!

It is Wednesday January 3, 2024. Since 2022, I have been obsessed with “Covid misinformation”. I find it deeply disturbing considering how wrong public health authorities have been since the beginning. There is evidence suggesting that the authorities have knowingly mislead the public about the professed ability of the vaccines to prevent infection and transmission, which was the basis of the mandate, and which until the Covid vaccines, was the whole point of a vaccine, and not only the point…

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Caution: Sex Change Procedures Might Become Hazardous to the Practitioners’ Wealth$

Caution: Sex Change Procedures Might Become Hazardous to the Practitioners’ Wealth$

Recently, I got my hands on the amended complaint in the Chloe Brockman v Kaiser lawsuit. If you’re a physician performing gender reassignment surgery (GRS), or a health care provider involved in any part of the sex change process for children, you might want to sit down for this one. Here is the gist of the case: Chloe Brockman, born female, was diagnosed with gender dysphoria. From the age of 13 to 17, she underwent a series of procedures to…

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Status Report on the Covid Misinformation Situation for California Physicians and other interested parties (in western states)

Status Report on the Covid Misinformation Situation for California Physicians and other interested parties (in western states)

There have been a lot of papers flying around the state in various court cases, so it seemed like a good idea to tell the vaccine-concerned physician and lay community where the law and cases stand. Soapbox Speech Before I get into the AB 2098 lawsuits, let me relate where we are on the pre-AB 2098 soap-box speech Covid misinformation investigations by the medical board which started in late 2021 and early 2022. So far as I can tell, there…

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AB 2098, some final thoughts before the Governor does what he’s going to do

AB 2098, some final thoughts before the Governor does what he’s going to do

I’ve read that Governor Newsom has over 500 bill sitting on his desk waiting for his signature. One of them is AB 2098, which would make it a disciplinable offense for a physician to provide a patient with advice or treatment recommendations not consistent with the mainstream ever-changing and often backtracking Covid narrative. I and many others have written much about the bill and why it’s a bad idea. And of course, I have sued the Medical Board for its…

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Cali. SB 920 Bites the Dust! (For now at least)

Cali. SB 920 Bites the Dust! (For now at least)

Yesterday, SB 920’s bill sponsor pulled the bill. Here is her statement. To recap, SB 920 is (was) a bill that would have allowed medical board investigators and consultants to show up at a physician’s office unannounced, execute a de facto, informal search warrant (without a judicial order) an give them a sneak peek at patient medical records to see if the Board wanted to subpoena the records. It is (was) a crazy and unconstitutional idea as I explained…

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The Cali. Medical Board is Trying the Get the Power to Conduct Warrantless Searches, but I don’t think that dog will hunt

The Cali. Medical Board is Trying the Get the Power to Conduct Warrantless Searches, but I don’t think that dog will hunt

At the Medical Board of California’s behest, the Senate has introduced SB 920 which grants the Board power to conduct warrantless searches of a physician’s office including medical records without the patient’s prior knowledge or consent. This bill is a radical departure from current practice, and I happen to think the bill is unconstitutional. This is just one of many bills which have been introduced which target physicians and patients as a result of the pandemic. I know that activist…

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So, You Just Received a Certified Letter from the Cali. Medical Board Asking you to Sign a Release for your Child’s Medical Records. What are your Options?

So, You Just Received a Certified Letter from the Cali. Medical Board Asking you to Sign a Release for your Child’s Medical Records. What are your Options?

Social Media is abuzz with posts from parents who have received a certified letter from the Medical Board of California demanding that they sign an enclosed release which authorizes their child’s physician to release his/her medical records to the Board. What should you do? Actually, for a variety of reasons, I am not going to tell you what to do or give you legal advice of any kind. What I am going to do is lay out a decision tree…

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Cali. Medical Board has a new tactic to expand investigations against Vaccine Exemption-Writing Docs

Cali. Medical Board has a new tactic to expand investigations against Vaccine Exemption-Writing Docs

It’s been two years since California rescinded the personal belief vaccine exemption, so since the fall of 2016, vaccine-concerned (VC) parents of school aged kids have needed to find a physician to write vaccine medical exemptions for their children. Right after the new law went into effect, the California Medical board filed charges against one of the most prominent VC docs, Bob Sears, for writing a court-case related letter excusing a child for all future vaccination based on the mother’s…

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