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Category: Medical Marijuana and CBD

The Feds Send Some Love Letters to CBD Companies

The Feds Send Some Love Letters to CBD Companies

CBD is the new gold rush in complementary and integrative health. It’s everywhere. But while CBD based products may be legal federally, they are obviously not approved drugs, and are at best regarded as dietary supplements. As such, no medical claims can be made. But legal technicalities have not stopped the CBD companies from marketing their products as miracle cures for all things pain related and more. And therein lies the problem according to the feds. Two days ago there…

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Do you have ED? (not the guy thing, but rather endocannabinoid deficiency)

Do you have ED? (not the guy thing, but rather endocannabinoid deficiency)

The absolute best part of my job is that I get to work on really interesting medico legal issues, interact with very smart experts who know their stuff. In July, I tried a California medical board case for a doctor who recommended medical marijuana to five-year-old who was having severe mood disorder problems at home and school. The doc saw the patient back in 2012, before the CBD oil explosion, and it was also back when the closest diagnosis for…

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Ohio Takes Action against the CBD Industry

Ohio Takes Action against the CBD Industry

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy has just passed a regulation that CBD products can only be sold in state licensed dispensaries. Here is the new regulation. Although around 50 licenses have been issued, currently there are no dispensaries in operation and it is estimated that it will take many months before the dispensaries pass the necessary inspections to operate. So what happens until the dispensaries open? Here’s what the board says: “Until dispensaries are operational, no one, including board…

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Can a doctor recommend medical marijuana for a five-year-old in California?

Can a doctor recommend medical marijuana for a five-year-old in California?

That’s the question that will be answered in a California medical board case I am trying this week in downtown Los Angeles. Back in 1996, California became the first state to allow for a doctor to recommend medical marijuana for patients with serious medical conditions. There was a lot of confusion initially as to what was required to issue the recommendation without getting into board trouble. The California law (called prop 215) by its terms granted physicians immunity from prosecution…

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Is CBD Oil Legal?

Is CBD Oil Legal?

The CBD oil business has exploded in the last couple of years. I was at an integrative medical conference in New York City back in February and I asked a few CBD oil vendors whether their product was legal. They all assured me that their product was legal, some claiming that it was legal because it contained less than 0.3 percent THC, while others said it was legal because it contained no THC. That didn’t sound right to me. I…

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