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Category: Health Policy

Fairly Significant (but not unexpected) update on the Cali Covid Misinformation Wars, But We’re Still Waiting for the Big Enchilada!

Fairly Significant (but not unexpected) update on the Cali Covid Misinformation Wars, But We’re Still Waiting for the Big Enchilada!

Yesterday we had the hearings in the Hoang and Hoeg cases, that being the attorney general’s motion to dismiss both cases on mootness grounds. You will recall that on February 29th, the Ninth Circuit decided that the other two AB 2098 cases were moot and order the district court to dismiss the two cases and also the vacate their decisions, and really just means Judge Slaughter’s ridiculous and pretty ignorant decision indicating that AB 2098 was constitutional. And that was…

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Ivermectin Docs Pummel the FDA at the Fifth Circuit, but there are miles to go before we sleep.

Ivermectin Docs Pummel the FDA at the Fifth Circuit, but there are miles to go before we sleep.

To people supporting the use of Ivermectin and other off-label drugs for Covid, arguably the most galling thing about the mainstream Covid mafia’s PR campaign against Ivermectin was the false and outrageous moniker of it being horse paste. It is false becasue as everyone in the Covid mafia knows, Ivermectin is approved for use in humans. The FDA and promoters of this false moniker obviously intentionally omitted this fact which makes it a bald-face lie. It is outrageous because in…

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The FDA’s Nod to Ivermectin is not an “All’s Clear” for Prescribing it for Covid

The FDA’s Nod to Ivermectin is not an “All’s Clear” for Prescribing it for Covid

Many of you tuned into the recent oral argument in the physicians’ lawsuit against the FDA. The bone of contention? Alleged interference with the practice of medicine due to the FDA’s statements (and tweets) against using Ivermectin for Covid. And who could miss that provocative and heartening recent headline in Epoch Times: “Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19: FDA Lawyer”? If you missed it, catch up here: Now, to all the doctors who’ve been rubbing their hands in glee,…

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Where are the CDC and Medicare Whistleblowers?

Where are the CDC and Medicare Whistleblowers?

Whistleblowers and smoking guns are the holy grails in impact litigation. They rarely surface, but when they do, they can make a case. I am sort of surprised that there haven’t been more of them since the pandemic. I’ve heard about and interacted with or about a couple of them, but I haven’t found the real deal yet, i.e., someone with current, non-stale compelling information. I have some contacts in Congress. Now that the Republicans are back controlling one house,…

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