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Tag: SB 714

“How Long Will My Child’s Current Vaccine Medical Exemption Be Good for?”

“How Long Will My Child’s Current Vaccine Medical Exemption Be Good for?”

I get asked that alot these days. But, as I have said repeatedly in these posts, I can’t answer each family’s specific question about this, not even the families who have exemptions written by Ken Stoller (who I represent). So again, I won’t be answering any of your calls or messages about your child’s specific circumstances. Aside from my inability to deal with the shear volume of families who have questions, the reason I can’t answer specific questions or offer…

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Grandfathered Exemptions under the New California Vaccine Law: Clear as Mud

Grandfathered Exemptions under the New California Vaccine Law: Clear as Mud

The new California vaccine exemption law is vague, badly written and not well thought-out. First, let’s get on the same page. Look at SB 714, because that is really the operative law in that it changed SB 276 even though both because law the same day. Here it is: What is a grandfathered medical exemption? What is commonly referred to as grandfathered vaccine medical exemptions are exemptions written by a California licensed physician on or before December 31, 2019….

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Medical Vaccine Exceptions Submitted after Full Implementation of the New California Vaccine Law

Medical Vaccine Exceptions Submitted after Full Implementation of the New California Vaccine Law

Previously I’ve tried to explain each of the two operative provisions of the new California vaccine law, Health and Safety Code Sections 120370, and 120372 separately. In retrospect, that was confusing. I think a better approach is to talk about the three types of medical exemptions under the new law, and the different types are really just temporal differences, meaning grandfathered exemptions (current exemptions and those written up until December 31, 2019), transition exemptions written during calendar year 2020, and…

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Now That SB 276 And SB 714 Are Law, What Does It All Mean For Parents?

Now That SB 276 And SB 714 Are Law, What Does It All Mean For Parents?

I have received many emails and calls from parents requesting advice about how the new law applies to their children. Sorry, I don’t do medical exemption consultations for particular cases, but I can try to explain what the law says and means. The California Health and Safety Code Section which was changed by SB 277 a few years back, and changed yesterday by SB 276 and SB 714 is Section 120370 (SB 276 and SB 714 made changes to several…

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UPDATED: Senator Pan’s New Amendment to Change SB 276 (after it passes)

UPDATED: Senator Pan’s New Amendment to Change SB 276 (after it passes)

I am not a California legislative expert and I am not sure what is going on, but today, I received an automated notice as a SB 276 bill watcher of an amendment. Originally I thought that Senator Pan blinked and made the changes requested by the Governor. But then I am not sure what changes the Governor wanted. So I am doubly unsure. The amended bill has a different bill number, SB 714, and it says it will only go…

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Updated: Senator Pan’s New Bill to Change SB 276 (after it passes)

Updated: Senator Pan’s New Bill to Change SB 276 (after it passes)

I am not a California legislative expert and I am not sure what is going on, but today, I received an automated notice as a SB 276 bill watcher of an amendment. Originally I thought that Senator Pan blinked and made the changes requested by the Governor. But then I am not sure what changes the Governor wanted. So I am doubly unsure. The amended bill has a different bill number, SB 714, and it says it will only go…

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