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Tag: physician free speech

Hot off the Press on Cali. AB 2098: Federal Judge Denies Motion for Preliminary Injunction in the First Court Challenge; We’re up next in a few weeks

Hot off the Press on Cali. AB 2098: Federal Judge Denies Motion for Preliminary Injunction in the First Court Challenge; We’re up next in a few weeks

Judge Slaughter of the Central District of California has just released his 30-page decision denying the Plaintiffs’ Motion for a Preliminary Injunction in McDonald v. Lawson. Here is the opinion: McDonald PI Motion Denied That means AB 2098 will become effective January 1, 2023, as Bus. & Prof. Code Section 2270 next week. It is not clear what effect the law will have on actions or investigations by the medical and osteopathic boards because they take the position that they…

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Paperwork on the Mackenzie Preliminary Injunction Motion Done, and more surprising stuff comes out

Paperwork on the Mackenzie Preliminary Injunction Motion Done, and more surprising stuff comes out

As you all know, back in early July, I filed a lawsuit against the Cali. Medical Board for starting an unconstitutional investigation against a Cali physician based on a complaint about his public comments during a school board Zoom meeting. You’ll recall that the Federation of State Medical Board back in July, 2021 called for its member boards to pursue its licensees for speaking out against the mainstream Covid narrative. Back in February 2022, Board President Kristina Lawson, JD announced…

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How often has the CDC and the Medical Authorities been Wrong about Covid? Let me count the ways. (with apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

How often has the CDC and the Medical Authorities been Wrong about Covid? Let me count the ways. (with apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

For my preliminary injunction motion in Mackenzie v Prasifka, I’d like to follow up something I talked about in the complaint and list all the ways the CDC and infectious disease experts got it wrong and had to reverse court and how subsequent studies confirmed things that the critics had been saying all along based on case reports and statements by line physicians. The point to be made is that whatever mistrust the pubic has about the vaccines or the…

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Watch Me on the Robert Scott Bell Show Today, July, 13th at 12:00 PM PDT speaking about my case defending physician free speech against government censorship

Watch Me on the Robert Scott Bell Show Today, July, 13th at 12:00 PM PDT speaking about my case defending physician free speech against government censorship

I’ll be on Robert’s show today discussing the Mackenzie v. Prasifka (the ED of the Cali Medical Board). I’ll go into how I see the case going and why I think this case will end up at the Supremes in the next six-eight months. here is the link to listen to the show. I don’t think there is a call-in portion. So: I think I’ll do a live Zoom broadcast on Friday to talk about the case and some…

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LAWSUIT! CALI. MEDICAL BOARD SUED FOR FREE SPEECH VIOLATIONS, (and there might be more lawsuits coming)

LAWSUIT! CALI. MEDICAL BOARD SUED FOR FREE SPEECH VIOLATIONS, (and there might be more lawsuits coming)

Friday afternoon, I filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of a physician against the Medical Board of California for investigating him for speaking out in public against the government’s Covid mandates, and his questioning some of the “consensus” science and public health goals (zero Covid). Per the first sentence of the introduction, “This is a First Amendment challenge to the Medical Board of California’s attempt to intimidate by investigation, censor, and sanction physicians who publicly disagree with the…

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