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Category: Vaccination Issues

AB 2098: Is the Cali. Legislature going to Add Fourth Amendment Illegality to this First Amendment Unconstitution bill?

AB 2098: Is the Cali. Legislature going to Add Fourth Amendment Illegality to this First Amendment Unconstitution bill?

Something may be afoot as AB 2098 passes through the Senate’s halls, but I can’t quite figure it out. So, I thought I’d kick it around with you and increase public vigilance. After AB 2098 passed through the business and professional committee, a 12-page legislative analysis/summary was put out by a consultant, one Sarah Mason. Here is the whole document: 202120220AB2098_Senate Business, Professions And Economic Development. I think it is a pretty ok summary. But I want to focus on…

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As Expected, AB 2098 Moves on to the Senate Appropriations Committee

As Expected, AB 2098 Moves on to the Senate Appropriations Committee

The hearing before the Senate professions committee (not its actual name) just ended. 8-4 (I assume on party lines) in favor of moving the bill. The bill goes next to the Senate appropriations committee. The bill will surely pass through that committee. I was surprised by a few things: First and foremost, the sponsor, Assemblyman Low showed no great understanding of the bill or the issues. He just kept repeating buzz phrases. Maybe he’s a good legislator, and maybe he’s…

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AB 2098 gets amended again, and the very minor protection is gone

AB 2098 gets amended again, and the very minor protection is gone

To recap, AB 2098 is California’s attempt to effectuate the Federation of State Medical Board’s call-to-action to state medical boards to sanction physicians for criticizing the mainstream Covid narrative. The bill passed the Assembly and is now before the Senate. It is scheduled for a hearing on Monday, June 27th. In the last couple of days, I received two notices which raise some questions. First, Monday I received a notice from an activist reminding people that they had until the…

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A little More on Cali. SB 276/714 Permanent Medical Exemptions

A little More on Cali. SB 276/714 Permanent Medical Exemptions

I have written many, many posts on the status of the existing and future permanent all vaccine medical exemptions under SB 276/714 passed in 2019 and which went into full effect at the beginning of 2021. The net effect of the law was to close the ostensible loophole which according to SB 277’s sponsors, seemed to allow physicians some discretion to write some medical exemptions which were not based on the contraindications and precautions listed in the ACIP or Red…

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What’s Next for Cali. AB 2098, and What it Means for Docs if it passes

What’s Next for Cali. AB 2098, and What it Means for Docs if it passes

Cali. AB 2098 has now passed the Assembly and is in the Senate for consideration. As a reminder, AB 2098 makes it a board disciplinable offense for physicians to spread “Covid misinformation” to their patients. I think you can assume that questioning the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines, and speaking positively about the off-label and conventional medicine rejected pharmaceutical Covid treatments (Ivermectin and HCQ) would also be considered by the Board to be Covid misinformation or disinformation. Questioning…

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More on Cali. AB 2098 and what it means for Docs and their patients

More on Cali. AB 2098 and what it means for Docs and their patients

If you are following AB 2098 (the California Assembly’s bill geared at stopping the spread of COVID-19 “misinformation” by physicians), as expected, the bill was approved by the Appropriations Committee. That committee basically deals with the financial impact of bills. On a public health-during the pandemic matter, the financial impact is not much of a factor, not at least on a bill like this which is only targeted against a very, very small number of people, i.e., physicians. Though indirectly,…

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My Analysis and Opposition to AB 2098 to the Assembly Appropriations Committee

My Analysis and Opposition to AB 2098 to the Assembly Appropriations Committee

For what it’s worth: Here is my letter to the appropriations committee which will be hearing AB 2098, which the bill which tries to sanction California physicians from promoting so-called “covid misinformation.” It seems like a big mess and a waste of time now. “April 29, 2022 To: California Assembly Committee on Appropriations Re: AB 2098, Opposition and Proposed Amendment Dear Committee Members: I am a healthcare attorney with substantial experience in medical board work in California and throughout the…

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What exactly are the ACIP and Red Book Guidelines?

What exactly are the ACIP and Red Book Guidelines?

I throw around the terms ACIP and Red Book Guidelines a lot, so I thought it would be useful to explain them and attach the relevant document. The CDC’s advisory committee on immunization practices (“ACIP”) puts out its “best practices” for immunization (read vaccine) administration. The members of the committee are the most (conventionally) recognized members of the infectious disease, epidemiology, and public health community. The most important parts and the quickest way to get a handle on the document…

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Stoller SB 277 Petition for Review Denied

Stoller SB 277 Petition for Review Denied

For those families who had a revoked medical exemptions written by Ken Stoller and were hoping for some kind of relief/miracle from the California Supreme Court with our petition for review, regrettably, that’s not going to happen. The Supreme Court denied the petition for review. As is usually the case, there was no opinion or explanation. FYI: There is basically no appeal as of right to the Cali Supreme Court for writ/civil cases. It has discretionary review powers which it…

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Digging into the the Recent Possible Future Changes to AB 2098: Color Me Sceptical/AND MY OWN REVISION WHICH FIXES EVERYTHING!

Digging into the the Recent Possible Future Changes to AB 2098: Color Me Sceptical/AND MY OWN REVISION WHICH FIXES EVERYTHING!

Let me try to set out where we are today, before the hearing on SB 2098 which bill originally made sanctionable physicians who publically spread covid misinformation. The original bill The bill was dropped on February 14th. It created a new form of misconduct that the medical board could prosecute and that being a physician providing information to the public via social media or any other public forum information which the board thought was false or misleading, i.e., contrary to…

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