Round Two coming up in the AB 2098 Cali. Covid “Misinformation” Wars
As I’ve stated in many of my AB 2098 posts, there will be several lawsuits challenging AB 2098. The first one was filed a couple of days ago. The plaintiffs are a psychiatrist who is already under investigation for public Covid misinformation to the public. The other plaintiff is a well-known physician activist who has a concierge practice in Orange country. I’ve seen the complaint, but I don’t think the preliminary injunction papers have been filed yet.
I have been in contact with a few Cali. groups deeply interested in the subject, and we have decided to jump into the fight and will file our own challenge to AB 2098. Our case will take a different tack and strategy from the already filed lawsuit. There will be a number of plaintiffs, including one or more physician and patient groups and a couple of physicians. We’re looking for physicians who are in the business of providing information about whether certain types of patients should take the Covid-19 vaccines or the FDA-approved treatments for the virus. Giving such advice has to be within the scope of their practice, as opposed to physicians whose specialties do not lend themselves to providing this kind of information to their patients.
If any docs out there fit the bill and want to help make some law, shoot me an email.
Rick Jaffe, Esq.