Ken Stoller Hearing/Oral Argument/No decision yet
It was long, well over an hour. We battled back and forth. The You tube video was up and around for awhile, but I guess the court took it down and doesn’t save it or post forever on You Tube.
Very smart guy for sure, though he seems to think that the Board gets a do over because the administrative law judge used the wrong standard and relied solely on the ACIP guidelines, which is the standard the Board argued applied! I wish I had do overs for some of the decisions and choices I made.
Now we wait.
Rick Jaffe, Esq.
6 thoughts on “Ken Stoller Hearing/Oral Argument/No decision yet”
Hi, Video says it’s private – can’t watch…
I’m afraid I cannot access the link as the video appears to be private!
Still no word?
the judge said it would be a couple weeks until he decided
Any word??
still waiting