What’s still going to happen if Cali SB 276 becomes law

What’s still going to happen if Cali SB 276 becomes law

I’m getting some requests for information/advice about what happens if SB 276 becomes law. I did a post about it based on the original version of the bill.

The only things that have changed regarding current exemptions is 1. the date parents have to submit their child’s medical exemptions has been pushed back from mid 2020 until end of December 2020, and 2. Now, there is no requirement that the department of health look at past exemptions.

This meaningless change was made to lessen the financial impact of the bill (I and others speculate), but you can bet that every local and state official involved will look at the old ones post 277 and pre 276, and revoke them all, per my prior post.

Here it is. it’s still the way I see it and should answer your questions:


good luck in the Assembly!

Rick Jaffe, Esq.

One thought on “What’s still going to happen if Cali SB 276 becomes law

  1. Hi wondering if HR 2527 passes how that will effect CA medical exemptions (if it passes)
    HR 2527 appears to allow physicians to write medical exemptions?

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