Hey Mr. President: how about some quickie executive orders on prescription drug importing, stem cells, and vaccination

Hey Mr. President: how about some quickie executive orders on prescription drug importing, stem cells, and vaccination

Mr. President: looks like you’ve kept your word so far on Obamacare by signing a vague executive order allowing federal government agencies to do what they can to lower the costs or make more efficient whatever the agencies can figure out they can do without congressional approval. Hopefully that will work out.

I have a couple of ideas for some quickie executive orders, consistent with your campaign speeches or your thinking. As always, I’ll keep it short:

1. Consumers importing cheaper prescription drugs

Congress took up the issue, and since both parties are in the Pharma’s pocket, it once again declined the chance to help people by allowing them to import prescription drugs from Canada and other places where Pharma sells its products for a lot less money. You recently took Pharma to the woodshed in a recent tweet. On behalf of the people, thanks. In your inauguration speech, you railed against Congress for not watching out for us. Here’s my suggestions:

First: we need a standard Trumpian tweet excoriating Congress for protecting Pharma by its recent action in continuing the prohibition of patients from importing drugs manufactured by major drug companies which are sold for a lot less money abroad.

Second: how about an executive order ordering the FDA, DOJ and Customs not to enforce the existing drug importation restrictions. That would send a message to Pharma and Congress, as well as immediately save patients money.

Yes, you and the rest of the Republicans hassled Obama for using executive orders to circumvent enforcement of existing federal laws like immigration.

But let’s get real. That’s just an argument used by the party that doesn’t control the presidency. Further, I don’t think we should worry about little things like consistency. I’m guessing you’re okay with that, especially if some minor inconsistency can benefit the people who supported you, and trust me, your working class supporters will really appreciate having the option of cutting their out-of-pocket drug costs by half or more. You do this, and I guaranty your approval rating will jump-up a few points.

2. Stem Cells

Don, first thing I’d like you to do is call Rick Perry, and ask him about his experience in getting a stem cell transplant for his back problems. FYI, his stem cell procedure was flat-out illegal under federal law. But he was the Governor, so who was going to stop him? I’ve heard it helped him alot. If so, why shouldn’t the tens of thousands of patients who could similarly benefit from stem cell treatments get them? Do you really have to be a Governor to get the state-of-the-art treatment?

I’ve covered the FDA’s regulations and the technicalities in numerous prior posts,

But the bottom line is that your FDA severely limits access to stem cell treatments, and you should do something about it immediately, even before the FDA Commissioner is identified or sworn-in. So here’s what I suggest:

First: A quickie executive order that whatever draft guidance documents concerning stem cells (and there are currently four, explained in prior posts, see above) are on hold, and no final guidance documents will be issued except on the approval of your FDA Commissioner.

Second: Another executive order that as matter of enforcement policy, neither the FDA nor the Department of Justice will take any action against a clinic which removes stem cells or any other human tissue from a person, and reinjects or reimplants that tissue into that person. And the enforcement policy should make clear that it applies even when the stem cells are other materials are expanded or cultured, which is the procedure which was so successful on Rick Perry. If Rick Perry could do it, let the rest of us have access to this stuff. (And BTW, there is less of or no consistency problem here since the regulations actually allow many stem cell treatments; it’s just the FDA has decided in its infinite unwisdom to try to stop almost all of these procedures.). The institutional stem cell players and the aforedescribed media cheerleaders won’t like it, but your supporters and many, many others will love you for it.

3. Vaccination

First: Let’s get moving on the Bobby Kennedy Jr. Vaccine/Autism thing. Maybe this could be done by executive order as well. Hell, it’s just a commission. I know you received some pushback from the institutional vaccine pushers and their cheerleaders in the media, but there is a groundswell of support for Bobby and the Commission from the people, and per your speech yesterday, that’s what important to you.

Second: as you probably know, federal agencies have some kind of internal oversight, referred to as the “OIG” (Office of Inspector General). In light of some of the recent stories about cover-ups and scientific fraud at the CDC concerning the autism issue, you need to give some serious consideration to the CDC OIG position. Your pick needs to be willing to take on the powers that be in the agency. So choose wisely.

Enjoy the job, and hope you really shake things up in the health care field. It’s long overdue!

Rick Jaffe, Esq.

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